Monday, 20 August 2012

International Hermit and Stitch Weekend - August

Well I was naughty.....not exactly a surprise if you know me!  At least this time it didn't involve spending money.

I started a new BAP (Big A$$ Picture)!  It's actually one that I've had around for a long while - at least a year or so!  I bought the kit from Colray Crafts of Zindy Nielsen's A Rose For My Love:

As my threads hadn't arrived for the charts I got for my birthday and this one was ready and waiting with gridded fabric, working copy of the chart and the complete set of threads, I decided to make a start.  I know I shouldn't really as I've got others I really should be working on and I plan to start The 3 Fates as soon as my stash arrives, but I'm blaming the pre-wedding nerves (only 1 month to go) and needed something to distract me (yeah I know.....any excuse!).

I haven't got too far but this is my small amount of progress:

Please excuse the 2 colour gridding, my pen ran out so I did the top bit in red fabric marking washable pencil!

I definitely think that next year, I'm ditching the rotation, not joining up to any SAL's and just doing my own thing, stitching on what I want, when I want....well that's the plan for now, whether I stick to that who knows! :)


  1. That chart is so pretty. Can't wait to see progress on it.

  2. Beautiful stitching and such a lovely choice for a BAP! I'm with you on not joining the SALs and such....I think it too, but I know myself too well...I'll still sign up! Looking forward to seeing your progress on this piece.

  3. Oh this is a gorgeous choice - no wonder you couldn't resist starting it. and yes i do think this is a perfect wedding distraction.

  4. This is lovely - no wonder you couldn't resist starting. And an excellent start to boot!

  5. That is a good start, she'll be lovely when she's all stitched up!

  6. Hello

    Your new start looks lovely, not surprised you couldn't resist starting it!

    Holly x

  7. What a gorgeous wonder you couldn't wait to start her!

  8. Lovely chart and great start! Hey that rhymed!!


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