Wednesday, 1 August 2012


It was my birthday last Saturday and I was overwhelmed by the kindness shown to me my my online stitchy friends!  I got a ton of cards from friends on one of the online forums that I am a member of, which left me speechless.

I got 2 RAK's (Random Acts of Kindness) from friends on the HAED stitchy forums:

This one is Dream Catcher by Nene Thomas, which was gifted by the extremely kind Nikki:

This one was from Liz, who is so sweet, generous and helpful!  It's The 3 Fates by Jasmine Becket Griffith:

I also got some lovely presents from my OH, I have him well trained and he bought me 2 HAED charts also. 

Panda Heart by Kayomi Harai:

and Mini Pink Lightning by Jasmine Becket-Griffth:

As well as a beautiful Jasmine Becket Griffith ornament:

In case you hadn't guessed, I'm a bit of a fan of Jasmine's!  Now my dilemma is what chart to start first?


  1. Wonderful gifts. A very belated happy birthday unf as I didn't know it was. I would like to ask u about the mini. I like the mini because sometimes its nice to see a pretty feature up closer than you normally see it on a bigger design, but do you loose a lot of the details as a trade off?

    1. Thank you. I can't really answer your question too well as I haven't actually stitched a mini yet. I have seen some some stitched up and some do look better than others. Some don't seem to have any loss of detail whereas other do. The mock-up pictures on the HAED are a pretty good indication of what it'll look like when it's finished though so I usually use that to decide whether I would like the full version or the mini!

  2. Congrats on the new acquisitions and happy belated B-day! I've been drooling over The Three Fates forever, so I can't wait to see your work on it!

    1. Thanks Keebles! I'm hoping to make a start on it soon (yes I know, another start!) just need to get all the stash together and order some more threads. I think I have some fabric large enough, I just need to spend time gridding it.

  3. Happy belated birthday!

    What lovely gifts. Looking forward to seeing WIPs of them!


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