Friday, 29 August 2014

Sad Loss

© Jim Warren

Today we lost Debbie, who was a wonderful part of our blogging family.  To say I am saddened and shocked is an understatement.  My thoughts and love go out to all of her friends and family.  I'm really at a loss for words...........


  1. I can't believe what I've just read. I followed her blog studiously and commented often. She created some lovely pieces and obviously loved her craft. I have just got 31 projects together to stitch along with the Ultimate Crazy January Challenge 2015. These will now be stitched in her memory. Love and hugs to all who knew or followed her. Rachel xx

  2. What a tragic news. I am shocked, it is so sudden.

  3. I too am so saddened. Sitting here crying.


  4. Debbie was an amazing person! She was so kind and encouraging to all of us stitchers and she is and always will be truly missed.

  5. So sad to hear this. So very, very sad.


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