Sorry this is a day late but at least I made it eventually! It's been a fairly productive month and I have a finish!
First up, TT Violet Sometimes:
Feels great to have a finish and I think it looks pretty good for my first HAED project, I even managed to frame it myself!
May | |
Next one, Henry VIII:
April | |
June | |
This is nearly done now. All the main stitching is done so just a small amount of back stitching to do as well as the beading. I've never actually beaded anything before so fingers crossed it works out!
Now for SK Blue Moon:
April | |
June | |
I'm really struggling with this, the amount of confetti is crazy but I am determined to get it done. It may only be a few stitches, but it's a few stitches nearer the finish line! It may take me a while, so you'll have to bear with me on this one.
I haven't done anything on Endless Dream or Fanciful Fairy this month but I've been a little naughty and made a start on QS Clara - Hannah Lynn.
June | |
I've not really been struck by her artwork before, then I spotted this and it really grabbed me. Since then her artwork has really grown on me and now I have an even bigger list of charts I HAVE to do!
Just to keep you informed, HAED are having a 25% off sale until 11th June, this time it includes the minis. Sadly I've been banned by my OH from visiting the site....I've spent far too much in the recent sales and I stitch far too slowly....although if you don't tell him, he'll never know! Michele is too naughty and keeps adding such beautiful artwork that I just NEED to stitch.
That's it for now, thanks for reading. Please feel free to leave a comment, it's always nice to read your thoughts.