Well I've had a really successful International Hermit and Stitch Weekend (IHSW)!
I managed to finish TT Violet Sometimes!
I'm really happy with how it turned out, but I feel a little guilty calling this my first HAED finish as it's a small chart so feels like I'm cheating. Thank you to everyone that has provided such supportive and helpful comments along the way, it's very much appreciated!
I also managed to put a few stitches into Henry VIII but not enough to really notice any progress. This will be my next focus piece as it's so close to a finish it makes sense to push on and get that last bit done.
I also have to tell you how lovely people in the cross stitch community are! In the past month I've been lucky enough to be gifted 2 HAED charts, Mini Memory (Nene Thomas) from Sam and QS Snap Dragon Fairy (Jasmine Becket-Griffith) from Liz. I really cannot express how much this kindness is appreciated and I cannot thank you enough.
Mini Memory |
QS Snap Dragon Fairy |
Just as a final note, one of the HAED artists,
Fred Winkler is being retired at the end of June. He's an amazing digital artist and I love his works, thanks to Michele for the "head's up" so that we have a chance to snatch up his charts before they are no longer available and if you are quick, there is a 50% off sale just to help you a little. Although I have enough charts to last me a few years, I'm still going to purchase a few of Fred's as they are lovely. These are a few of the ones I like, it may prove to be expensive!